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Zadanie 1. (0–6)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
Which passengers are invited to board at the moment?
Zadanie 2. (5 pkt)
Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania .Po dwukrotnym wysłuchaniu tekstu wybierz
właściwe, zgodne z jego treścią dokończenia zdań.
Alexander had a fight with his parents because
A. he had bad marks at school.
B. he had other plans for his life than his parents.
C. his parents did not like his girl.
D. they forbade him to play drums in a band.
His parents
A. are well-known citizens in a small town.
B. need their son’s help in their business.
C. were tolerant of his appearance.
D. wanted to find another school for their son.
When Alexander disappeared,
A. the parents reported him missing.
B. the mother looked for help from a psychologist.
C. his friends called every day.
D. the mother left the house alone to look for the son.
The son’s escape
A. intensified the conflict in the family.
B. lead to self-blame on the part of the parents.
C. made the parents indifferent towards the son.
D. caused the mother to fall seriously ill.
The parents searched for the son personally, namely
A. everywhere in Germany.
B. in the music bars of their place of residence.
C. at a rock musician’s in Berlin.
D. where he had last been seen.
Zadanie 2. (0–5)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi związanych z uśmiechem. Do każdej
wypowiedzi (2.1.–2.5.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–F). Wpisz rozwiązania do
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
This person
A. complains about the university he/she attends.
B. describes how someone’s smile changed his/her attitude to life.
C. tells the story behind a well-known symbol.
D. expresses his/her disappointment with something.
E. suggests that a smile can help your professional career.
F. explains why he/she enjoys a certain story.
Zadanie 3. (0–4)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie informacje na temat dnia otwartego w Newton College.
Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki 3.1.–3.4. w tabeli, tak aby
jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić
w języku angielskim.
What? Information on:
• college history and famous graduates
• accommodation options
• (3.1.) of studying
Where? Main hall
When? At (3.2.)
What? Guided tour of the science building.
• visit laboratories
• talk to (3.3.)
Where? The main entrance to the science building.
When? At 10:45 a.m.
What? Advice on careers
Where? (3.4.)
When? At 2:15 p.m.
Zadanie 4. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na trzy części (A–C) oraz pytania
ich dotyczące. Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.
A. The practice of à la carte pricing, that is, charging passengers for each service individually, for instance food and drinks or choosing a seat, is more and more common.
The trend began with American Airlines introducing a fee for checked-in luggage and soon the ideas for other add-ons followed. With far fewer people flying because of
the economic recession airlines are reluctant to raise fares and many companies are counting on this money more than ever. In fact, à la carte pricing has become so
successful that experts are predicting it will be on the rise in the years to come.
B. European carrier FlyWithUs has taken à la carte pricing to the extreme, introducing a per-minute fee for customers speaking to a company representative on the phone. That practice would probably never take off in the U.S. Experts predict the à la carte pricing structure will allow carriers to treat higher-paying passengers better than their penny-pinching neighbours. For example, a person who buys an in-flight meal, a headset, and a pillow is likely to get better service from the cabin crew. This has
always been the case in first class, but it’s new to economy.
C. Because fees vary from airline to airline – and only a few companies, like Southwest, still subscribe to the old-fashioned, all-inclusive approach – it takes a lot of work to figure out the total cost of a trip. You have to do a lot of math but if you book online, don’t check-in a bag, and skip the meal, you’re probably paying less than if the airlines had simply raised fares. And according to a poll conducted last year people are becoming more comfortable with the system for that reason. Fifty-three
percent of the respondents said they’d prefer to buy the lowest-priced option and then add services than go for a higher priced all-inclusive fare.
adapted from www.budgettravel.com
In which paragraph does the author
1. mention an airline which is an exception to à la carte pricing?
2. suggest that à la carte pricing might lead to unequal treatment of passengers?
3. quote the results of a survey to make a point?
4. refer to the service which started the policy of à la carte pricing?
Zadanie 5. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę literę,
którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A–E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Premedical first aid is a set of actions to be performed on a person in order to save his or her health and life until qualified rescuers arrive. According to Polish law, if you witness a situation in which someone’s health or life is at risk, you are obliged to provide first aid. That’s why you should regularly refresh your knowledge of first aid. 1.
The basic principle of pre-medical first aid is “do no harm”. The rescuer should protect himself, the injured person and those around him. 2. In particular, secure the place where help will be given (for example near a fire) and to use personal protective equipment (disposable gloves, artificial respiration mask).
Check the reaction of the victim by gently shaking him by the shoulders and asking what happened. If the victim does react, you should leave them in the position in which you found them – provided that they are not in any danger – and regularly check their condition until professional help arrives. If possible, ask the person about the situation, his or her well-being and chronic illnesses. 3. If the breathing is fine, they should be placed in a safe position. If breathing is not normal, open the airway by placing the victim on their back and tilting their head back. Foreign bodies should be carefully removed from the victim’s mouth. If this is unsuccessful, CPR is required.
After assessing the victim’s condition, call for help immediately. It is best to ask someone who witnessed the event to do so, thus gaining valuable time.If the rescuer is acting alone, he should remember, despite his emotions, to hold a calm, matter-of-fact conversation with the dispatcher. 4. Give the exact address of the place of the accident, the number and condition of the victims, information about the help already given and his personal details.
A.If they do not respond, they are probably unconscious.
B.It is also important to remember not to move the victim unnecessarily or to give them medication or anything to eat or drink.
C. This information may also come in handy if someone close to you is in need of emergency assistance.
D.Therefore, the first thing to do when giving help is always to assess the situation and eliminate threats.
E. Inform him/her of what has happened.
Zadanie 1. (0-4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.
As the pollution of the Earth is getting higher and higher people are beginning to pay attention to their ways of living. In order to fight harmful habits alternative green activities are being promoted. Growing ecological awareness together with this new practice are a hope of better future for our planet. There is quite a number of things which each and every one of us can do to help. Starting from simple activities like sorting of waste to using less plastic and other toxic materials. However, there are specific areas of life which require our attention e.g. textile and clothing industries.
Fashion is the branch of industry considered the most dangerous to environment. It is using the biggest amount of damaging chemical substances compared to other fields of industry. Its daily intake of water is threatening to life on Earth. People, animals, and plants need water to get by and water resources are diminishing at the moment. Additionally, the number of fashion manufacturers is too high and the quantity of clothing items produced by them is too big. Humanity does not need so many clothes. As the result, a lot of excess and unnecessary items are being thrown to waste.
One thing a consumer can do to prevent pollution is to avoid “fast fashion” shopping chains. In such places people pay more than they should for clothes of poor quality. This behaviour supports fast fashion and makes this industry grow even bigger. Another simple thing to do is to start buying clothes second-hand. Clothes previously used by others, however not damaged enough to be thrown away, can be an interesting alternative to newly produced outfits. Pre-used clothes have been already produced when we buy them. By using them people show fast fashion manufacturers that there is no demand for any new products on the market.
Saving the planet is a complex task. We can start small – by refusing to shop for outfits in chain stores and starting the adventure of buying garments in second-hand shops. After improving this area of our lives there are others awaiting our attention for the sake of environment.
According to the text, which sentence is true?
a) positive behaviour is not promoted enough
b) people are increasingly aware of the impact of their actions on the environment
c) environmental pollution is gradually decreasing
d) there are very few activities we can do to reduce pollution
The fashion industry is believed to be the most dangerous because:
a) exploits the largest proportion of chemical substances
b) uses large quantities of substance essential to human, animal and plant life
c) produces more products than necessary
d) all of the above
“Fast fashion” is:
a) brands that mass produce clothes of poor quality for high price
b) the phenomenon of buying in a hurry without thinking
c) selling clothes on sale at discount prices
d) buying the same clothes in second-hand shops at a lower price
The best title of the article is:
Zadanie 7. (0-5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wpisz jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.
Etna is an active volcano in Italy, in Sicily. It is the highest and largest volcano in Europe. 1. being one of the most active volcanoes in the world, Etna is accessible to tourism and during quieter periods you can climb to its summit. Circumetnea is a train 2. travels up the slopes of Mount Etna circling the volcano. It is not strictly a tourist train, but many tourists 3. it to visit one of the towns it passes through. The train offers a beautiful 4. of the surrounding countryside. It is difficult to really 5. to know a place in a short time, so you need to dedicate a whole day for a trip like this.
Zadanie 8. (0-6)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał
spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Downhill skiing can be a 1. of fun, but it is worth remembering that in physical terms it is 2. extremely demanding sport. A lack of proper preparation will, in the best case, result 3. unpleasant soreness, and in the worst case – a serious injury 4. will take a long time to heal. It is worth 5. care of our fitness all year round. But if you do not have the time 6. inclination, preparations for the ski season should begin two months before the onset of winter. It is worth getting in good shape during this time.
Zadanie 9. (0–5)
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak
aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (9.1.–9.5.). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać
maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już podany. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.
There are no eggs left.
We eggs.
I cannot bear this rainy weather any more.
I cannot this rainy weather any more.
Almost nobody answered the question because it was too difficult.
The question was so difficult that it.
I sent her a present to compensate for my bad behaviour.
I sent her a present to my bad behaviour.
William is six but he already knows which dinosaurs could fly.
William is six but he already knows which dinosaurs .
Zadanie 10. (0–13)
Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200
do 250 wyrazów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu.
Zaznacz wybrany przez Ciebie temat. Zakreśl jego numer.
Ta odpowiedź zostanie sprawdzona i oceniona po wysłaniu.